Set the Digital Vibrance to 65% (For what its worth… this is apparently what the pros use if they are using this feature, it helps you see enemy silhouettes easier and makes colors pop out some but does not oversaturate them really badly).Enable or disable 3D hardware acceleration. Configure unique 3D settings for my applications and games. On the Choose How Colors Are Set section of this page in NVIDIA Control Panel, click on the spot that says “Use NVIDIA Settings” and make sure its set to “All Channels” for the color channels (otherwise this will be a lot harder to do next steps) Move the slider to the left (decrease the maximum frame rate) for quieter gaming, or to the right (increase the maximum frame rate) for higher performance.In general you want the highest FPS so you can have the lowest input latency. Manage 3D Settings This is the main section we will be tuning today so if you want maximum FPS you can just copy and paste these settings. You want to leave it off unless you get heavy screen tearing. ago Vertical Sync will force your FPS to match your display's refresh rate. Go to the section titled “Adjust desktop color settings” 1 comment Best Add a Comment ScenicWorld 6 yr.I have some really nice settings for NVIDIA owners to make the game’s graphics look better and just nice overall, gives you a HDR screen look and just better overall in general (some spots may be brighter than others, this is just map dependent in my tests so far)

This post applies to NVIDIA Card Owners only (This will not help you do this if you’re on an AMD card since they have different settings for their cards) BEST NVIDIA Control Panel Settings For GAMING (UPDATED 2023)In this video I showcase the Best Nvidia settings, Nvidia Drivers & more that will lower delay &.